We at Christ’s Family Clinic have so much to be grateful for this Christmas season! A year ago we weren’t sure we would be able to continue serving our patients in 2021. We are overwhelmingly grateful to the generous donors who helped us survive the financial hardships brought on by the pandemic. Thanks to you and our faithful volunteers we have done so much good this year! But the need for our services is greater than ever.
In this precious season of thanks and giving, we hope you will consider a donation to support the patients at Christ’s Family Clinic who are still desperately in need of your help. As you shop for gifts for loved ones there may be people on your list who would truly appreciate having a donation to Christ’s Family Clinic made in their name. This is the perfect gift for someone who has everything, or for someone who’s life has been impacted by a health condition.
It is easy to give. Simply mail a check to Christ’s Family Clinic at 6409 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75205, or make a credit card donation at www.christsfamilyclinic.org .
From All of Us at Christ’s Family Clinic, we wish you and your families a wonderful Thanksgiving and “Christ Giving” Season!
With Gratitude,
Dr. Katrina Bradford & Steven Bradford
On Behalf of The Christ’s Family Clinic Board